The outpouring of the holy spirit in the book of acts

Miracles and healings are made possible by and through the power of the holy ghost. All of them were filled with the holy spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the spirit enabled them. Therefore, the outpouring of the spirit on slaves is something very extraordinary. The promise of the holy spirit is not limited to any age or to any race.

So peter wants to know how could he withstand god in not being the baptizer so they might receive what god had promised and giventhe holy spirit. We have come to the most difficult part in the discussion of the work of the holy spirit, viz. When the day of pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. But its not just something from one book of the bible. Harold clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem. Baptism and the holy spirit in the book of acts world wide.

The holy spirit in the book of acts essay 2475 words. It is the beginning of the fulfilment of this prophecy. Deacon philip goes down to samaria, preached christ and preforms miracles acts 8. This is that which hath been spoken through the prophet joel. The book picks up where the gospels four accounts of jesus life and ministry leave off.

In your bible for the message this morning, you may turn to one of two places. Jesus answered, truly, truly, i say to you, unless one is born of water and the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of god. The holy spirit plays a key role in the acts of the apostles, leading to the use of the titles book of the holy spirit or the acts of the holy spirit for that book of the. So in every case of the holy spirit s coming or being received in the book of acts there are definite effects that one can point to as evidence that the spirit has been received. Baptism and the holy spirit in the book of acts water baptism vs baptized with the spirit and power the book of acts begins with jesus parting words to his apostles before his ascension to the right hand of god the father. Six times the holy spirit is said to be the one who speaks the truth of god. The holy spirit in the book of acts essay 1715 words. The outpouring of the holy spirit on the day of pentecost and when the day of pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.

The holy spirit in the book of acts preaching source. For these are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is only the third hour of. The book of acts begins with the outpouring of gods promised holy spirit on the day of pentecost. With the outpouring of the holy spirit on the day of pentecost. According to lee, the book of acts refers to the formative history of the early church, while establishing luke as a charismatic theologian who demonstrates that baptism in the holy spirit is an experience of empowering to facilitate the mission of the. On the subject of the holy spirits literal indwelling within the bodyheartlife of the christian, see my book, power from on high. In the many bibles that i have read and worn out, i have marked with a red pen countless references to the holy spirit in both the old and new testaments. According to lee, the book of acts refers to the formative history of the early church, while establishing luke as a charismatic theologian who demonstrates that baptism in the holy spirit is an experience of empowering to facilitate the mission of the church.

A fresh outpouring of the holy spirit world challenge. In other words, pentecost was the first great outpouring of the spirit on the church. Luke, the author of acts, writes, suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind acts 2. The book of acts tells us stephen was a man full of faith and power, who did great wonders and miracles among the people acts 6. The outpouring of the spirit, faith and life, benjamin. The gift of the holy spirit excites christians in certain church traditions. The god after whom the heathen blindly searched, and for whom reason gropes in darkness, is here plainly revealed to us in the pages of divine authorship, so that he who is willing to understand as much of godhead as man can know, may here learn it if he be not willingly ignorant and.

But as peter acknowledges by explaining the phenomenon as a fulfillment of joels prophecy 2. In both god gives physical demonstrations of his power. Sep 03, 2015 the holy spirit in acts how does luke portray the gift and outpouring of the holy spirit in acts. With that being the case, let us consider the outpouring of the spirit in acts 2 with the person and work of christ. Those who reject the holy spirit as the source of these manifestations and label them as mere emotionalism should see the point of the apostle peters words to the crowds of observers who witnessed the first pentecostal outpouring of the holy spirit in acts 2. However, the holy spirit in composing acts 8 does not mention speaking in. All the circumcised believers who came with peter were amazed, because the gift of the holy spirit had been poured out on the gentiles also. But verses 1517 seem to say that the converts did not receive the holy spirit at their baptism, but rather when apostles from jerusalem came and laid hands on them. According to this verse, gods breath came at pentecost with a sound from heaven. We are currently examining the importance of understanding the significance of the outpouring of the holy spirit in the book of acts onward. Some benefits were temporary, serving to reveal and confirm the word b. Christ declared that the divine influence of his spirit was to be with his followers unto the end. There are various discussions on the relationship between the initial indwelling of the holy spirit and the baptism of the holy spirit explain. Nov 02, 2017 pastor jack abeelen teaching from the book of acts in his study titled the outpouring of the holy spirit join us sunday am at 8, 9.

Even that title, of course, was not original because acts was the second part of the gospel of. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. The outpouring of the holy spirit is talked about in at least two ways in scripture. The earliest title for the book seems to have been simply the acts. I like a different translation of this last phrase, calling it a strong wind, a blast.

And they were all filled with the holy spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the spirit was giving them utterance. The real outpouring of the holy spirit the real outpouring of gods spirit acts 1. In the book of acts, there are three outpourings of the holy spirit, to three different people groups at three different times. The reality is power to preach the gospel, win souls and make disciples. When pentecostals talk about the baptism in the holy spirit, we often focus on the book of acts. The holy spirit functions as the revealer of gods truth and will. John the baptist preached baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. The outpouring of the holy spirit while peter yet spake these words, the holy ghost fell on all them which heard the wordacts 10. For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third. The ones mentioned are speaking in tongues, prophesying, freely praising the great things of god, boldness and power in witness, and obedience to god. The spurgeon center the outpouring of the holy spirit.

Some big ideas in acts that could have been included. The outpouring of the holy spirit on the 120 believers on the day of pentecost is not the fulfilment predicted of such an outpouring upon all flesh. Baptism and the holy spirit in the book of acts water baptism vs baptized with the spirit and power the book of acts begins with jesus parting words to his apostles before his ascension to. The outpouring of the holy spirit in acts 2 marked the fulfillment of jesus words, too, as the holy spirit came upon all believers in a powerful, visible and audible way. But stephen, full of the holy spirit, looked intently into heaven and saw the glory of god and jesus standing at the right hand of god. So peter wants to know how could he withstand god in not being the baptizer so they might receive what god had promised and given the holy spirit. What old testament prophecy was fulfilled at the time of the outpouring of the holy spirit. Other benefits are agelasting, offering salvation and sanctification to all who obey we learn more of the work of the holy spirit as we make our way through the acts of the apostles. The book of acts begins with the ascension of jesus and the coming of the holy spirit, and goes on to show how the apostles preached christ to the. Criswell sermon library the outpouring of the holy spirit. After the martyrdom of stephen the disciples scatter from jerusalem. In acts 8, the spirit was poured out on the samaritans through the apostles, so that both they and the apostles would realize that they were now members of the same body of christ. Pentecost and the outpouring of the holy spirit 1958 words.

The holy spirit plays a key role in the acts of the apostles, leading to the use of the titles book of the holy spirit or the acts of the holy spirit for that book of the new testament. The book of acts is sometimes described as the acts of the holy spirit, or even more fully, the acts of the risen christ by the holy spirit in and through the apostles. Acts 2 niv the holy spirit comes at pentecost bible gateway. Baptism in the spirit and the book of acts baptismus flaminis.

But the holy spirit moved on peter, anointing him to say, you can. Two terms are especially associated with this activity. Since my earliest days in christ i have been fascinated by the holy spirit. The holy spirit was not yet given because that jesus was not yet glorified. When god breathes the breath of his spirit, everyone knows he has come. The holy spirit is mentioned about 60 times in the book of acts. Otherwise, you are simply ignoring the main point of my essay, which is that the holy spirit is received in more ways than one. Dear father in heaven, once again we are grateful for the opportunity to gather together and open up your word and study this important message found in the book of acts, this great outpouring of the holy spirit that helped to begin the christian era. Holy spirit is the cornerstone of the acts of the apostles, attributed to the apostle luke. Some of the references are to the authorship of the passages cited in acts from the old testament, the statements being the holy spirit. How does luke portray the gift and outpouring of the holy spirit in acts. As he was walking away, i called after him, so, what was.

But peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them, ye men of judaea, and all ye that dwell at jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to my words. The outpouring of the holy spirit reformed bible studies. In the first case, all the disciples were powerful on the day of pentecost, and they had the release, boldness, and encouragement. Thus on the day of pentecost, the disciples were baptized with the holy spirit acts 1. Fourth and finally, the prophet joel prophesied the special outpouring of the holy spirit joel 2. The holy spirit in the book of acts about spirit of. So weve recently spent a month in church looking at the outpouring of the spirit from other parts of scripture. As a result, the preaching of the gospel and the witness of the newly formed church sparks a flame that spreads across the roman empire. The case of what were gonna the case of what were gonna read here from acts chapter read here from acts chapter two. He had not only the power to preach but also the gift to present the gospel in a. Jan 02, 2020 the outpouring of the holy spirit in acts 2 marked the fulfillment of jesus words, too, as the holy spirit came upon all believers in a powerful, visible and audible way. One refers to the pouring out of the holy spirit to indwell people, as prophesied in the old testament and fulfilled on the day of pentecost after jesus ascension. From the day of pentecost to the present time, the comforter has been sent to all who have yielded themselves fully to the lord and to his service. The holy spirit in the book of acts sermon by john gaston.

The holy spirit had been given to them after jesus crucifixion john 20. The book of acts tells us stephen was a man full of faith and power, who. There were outpourings of the holy spirit throughout the book of acts on. Jan 20, 2011 baptism and the holy spirit in samaria, acts 8 the second incident of the baptism of the holy spirit is in acts chapter eight. I will be teaching on the outpouring of the holy spirit as found in acts 2. The outpouring of the holy spirit the pouring out of the. Holy spirit the need free book library amazing facts. They had experienced the holy spirit at pentecost acts 2, and now they are filled with the holy spirit acts 4. Of the about seventy occurrences of the word pneuma in acts, fifty five refer to the holy spirit. The outpouring of the spirit in the days of the apostles was the beginning of the early, or 55 former, rain, and glorious was the result. We may now come back to the five cases of receiving the spirit outwardly in the book of acts. Pastor jack abeelen teaching from the book of acts in his study titled the outpouring of the holy spirit join us sunday am at 8, 9. The significance of the outpouring of the spirit in acts.

To the end of time the presence of the spirit is to abide with the true church. John mcternans insights outpouring of the holy spirit 4. If you turn to joel chapter 2, the reading begins at verse 28 to the end of the chapter. This outpouring is not limited to a few, but it is for everyone. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. While peter was still speaking these words, the holy spirit fell upon all those who were listening to the message. Note, first of all, the distinction between water baptism in the name of jesus and the reception of the.

The basis is found in the book of acts, specifically the event of pentecost. The saints of old were not unfamiliar with the holy spirit. The god after whom the heathen blindly searched, and for whom reason gropes in darkness, is here plainly revealed to us in the pages of divine authorship, so that he who is willing to understand as much of. Unfortunately, in some of these traditions, an understanding of the outpouring of the holy spirit in acts is often limited to discussions about speaking in tongues, or. While many people apply those promises of acts to believers today, without fail, the narrative of the spirit in acts is reliant on the ot promises made to israel about how god would restore her, and bring life to all men, in the last days. As philip evangelized the samaritans, many believed and were baptized acts 8. So weve recently spent a month in church looking at the outpouring of the spirit from other parts of. So in every case of the holy spirits coming or being received in the book of acts there are definite effects that one can point to as evidence that the spirit has been received. There they began to speak in other tongues the great things of god acts 2. The outpouring of the holy spirit worlds last chance. Especially on the limited nature of the unique outpouring is joel 2. In any attempt to estimate the significance of the outpouring of the spirit at pentecost, considered as the inauguration of the new dispensation, the following two considerations must be made.

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